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表演〉淺嘗 泛音九釀

7月30日 週六



表演〉淺嘗 泛音九釀
表演〉淺嘗 泛音九釀


2022年7月30日 下午8:00 [GMT+8] – 2022年7月31日 下午9:00 [GMT+8]

新竹市, 300台湾新竹市東區興達街1號


<<< For English Please Scroll Down >>> 淺嘗 泛音九釀

▋時間 ▋ 2022/07/30(六)19:30入場 / 20:00開演

▋地點 ▋ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號)

▋表演團體 ▋ 漪渦魚

▋表演者 ▋ 德蘇、曾思凱、羅致⺠、劉基吉、謝順慧、⼤野芒、陳亮伃、吳浩平、梅怡凡

▋入場方式 ▋ 免費自由入場 ※ 請勿攜帶外食飲品 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

▋節目簡介 ▋ ●淺嘗 泛音九釀● 聲⾳是存有的核⼼。 它以語⾔、符號、⾳樂形態觸及存在萬象的精髓。 漪渦⿂帶領聽者踏上純粹聲⾳的探索之旅。 或迅捷,或⽣氣勃勃,甚或震驚。 或舒緩、靜定、近乎催眠。 漪渦⿂改變你認知的現實。 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

▋表演團體 ▋ ● 漪渦魚● 漪渦魚探索聲音的空間,以及空間的聲音。 內在空間,外在空間。 內在聲音,外在聲音。 漪渦魚致力於調教人們的聽覺。 一種更細膩的內在聆聽。 一種更多包容性的外在聆聽。 漪渦魚跟身體和聲音工作,也和聲音和寧靜工作。 漪渦魚聽得見你的聲音。 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

▋藝術總監 ▋ ● Mark van Tongeren ● 馬克.范.湯格鄰,來自荷蘭的聲音探索者/ 民族音樂學家,對藝術、科學及冥想傳統的融合有著深厚的興趣與經驗。Mark在劇場、音樂、舞蹈製作等領域有30年的資歷,並自荷蘭萊登大學的創意與表演藝術學院取得博士學位。為向大師習藝,他的足跡遍及阿爾泰地區、台灣、印度(達蘭薩拉藏傳佛教僧侶) 和薩丁尼亞跟科西嘉等地,並特別專注於音質研究。他的藝術創作融合了實驗性聲音、傳統聲音技巧和表演藝術。他主要以泛音和喉唱的研究和演唱聞名。

<<< English Version >>> ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ A taste of TwEAk by IUooUI

▋Time ▋ SAT, JUL 30, 2022 7:30PM door opens / 8:00PM show starts

▋Venue ▋ Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City

▋Performers ▋ Mark van Tongeren, Sky Tseng, Kovida Lo, Ji Ji Liu, Suezu Hsieh, Amang Huang, Sunny Chen, Hao Pin Wu, Jackal Mei

▋Entry ▋ Free Entry ※ No outside food or drink allowed. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

▋The Program: TwEAk ▋ Sound is at the heart of existence. It reaches phenomenal depth of being as language, as sign, as musical gesture. IUooUI takes the listeners on an exploration of pure sounds. Fast, dynamic and sometimes shocking. Slow, static and sleep-inducing. IUooUI tweaks reality as you know it.

▋Group performance by: IUooUI ▋ IUooUI explores the spaces of sound and the sounds of space. Inner space, outer space. Inner sound, outer sound. IUooUI is in the business of educating ears. For a more refined, inward listening. For a more inclusive, outward listening. IUooUI works with body and movement as much as with sound and silence. IUooUI hears you.

▋Artistic Director: Mark van Tongeren ▋ Mark van Tongeren is a Dutch sound explorer and ethnomusicologist with an interest in the synergy of the arts, sciences and contemplative traditions. He has over 30 years of experience in theatre-, music- and dance productions and holds a PhD in artistic research from Leiden University's Academy of Creative of Performing Arts. His music studies encompass work in Siberia, Taiwan, Tibetan diaspora and Corsica/Sardinia with a special a focus on timbre. His artistic output is a cross-over of experimental and traditional vocal techniques and performing arts. He is best known for his work in the field of overtone singing / throat singing.


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